开店立业 Retail and YOU

Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 New Year's Resolution

Did you made a new year's resolution in 2010? If not, how about make a new year's resolution this year.

Research showed that 52% were confident of success and 12% actually achieved their goal after one year. Men achieved their goal 22% more often when they engaged in goal setting, while women succeeded 10% more when they made their goals public and got support from their friends.




Related post & template 相关文章和模板:
2010 New Year Resolution

Thursday, December 2, 2010

ERP for SME?



Tuesday, November 30, 2010

SWOT Analysis & Template II

SWOT 分析表范例

在现在的战略规划报告里,SWOT分析应该算是一个众所周知的工具。来自于麦肯锡咨询公司的 SWOT分析,包括分析企业的优势(Strength)、劣势(Weakness)、机会(Opportunity)和威胁(Threats)。因此,SWOT分析实际上是将对企业内外部条件各方面内容进行综合和概括,进而分析组织的优劣势、面临的机会和威胁的一种方法。


Monday, November 29, 2010

Retail Chain Management -NYSP


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Retail Chain Management



Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Good Old Days



Friday, July 2, 2010

You Can Be Difference



當年,把中華文化推廣全世界,來自台灣的嚴總裁,不斷嚐試挑戰,化不可能為可能,憑著就是一股不捨的熱情。「lets try,你不去試,你永遠不知道會不會成功」從過往三十年的經驗,嚴總裁學會用更寬的角度去思考,去發揮影響力。



Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dream On 드림온

Dream On (드림온) 這首歌主要是在描述現在經濟上的困境(就業困難、通澎、消費委縮),人性尊嚴的喪失、混亂的未來、環境破壞、家庭問題等,由韓國知名作詞作曲家、演員、歌 手、主播、搞笑演員、舞台劇演員、歌劇演員、聲樂家共同參與所製作的音樂視頻,希望大家能由這首歌在現實生活中找到希望、克服困境。

Saturday, June 26, 2010

SWOT Analysis & Template

A SWOT analysis measures a business unit, a proposition or idea.

A SWOT analysis is a subjective assessment of data which is organized by the SWOT format into a logical order that helps understanding, presentation, discussion and decision-making. The four dimensions are a useful extension of a basic two heading list of pro's and con's .

SWOT analysis can be used for all sorts of decision-making, and the SWOT template enables proactive thinking, rather than relying on habitual or instinctive reactions.

The SWOT analysis template is normally presented as a grid, comprising four sections, one for each of the SWOT headings: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The free SWOT template below includes sample questions, whose answers are inserted into the relevant section of the SWOT grid. The questions are examples, or discussion points, and obviously can be altered depending on the subject of the SWOT analysis. Note that many of the SWOT questions are also talking points for other headings - use them as you find most helpful, and make up your own to suit the issue being analysed. It is important to clearly identify the subject of a SWOT analysis, because a SWOT analysis is a perspective of one thing, be it a company, a product, a proposition, and idea, a method, or option, etc.

Here are some examples of what a SWOT analysis can be used to assess:

* a company (its position in the market, commercial viability, etc)
* a method of sales distribution
* a product or brand
* a business idea
* a strategic option, such as entering a new market or launching a new product
* a opportunity to make an acquisition
* a potential partnership
* changing a supplier
* outsourcing a service, activity or resource
* an investment opportunity

Be sure to describe the subject for the SWOT analysis clearly so that people contributing to the analysis, and those seeing the finished SWOT analysis, properly understand the purpose of the SWOT assessment and implications.

Download TEMPLATE [doc]

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

LOVE LIFE 珍愛生命‧永不放棄 母親節完整版 2010-04-21 向全天下最偉大的母親致敬!

小S 大S 范瑋琪 周傑倫 王宏恩 林志玲 林依晨 林智勝 阮經天 趙又廷 阿妹 阿雅 柯佳嬿 房祖名 潘瑋柏 張榕容 張鈞甯 彭于晏 高以翔 鈕承澤 陶子 路嘉怡 楊宗緯 劉容嘉 潘瑋柏 鄭元暢 蔡康永

Saturday, February 6, 2010

MY ASTRO 2010 -Xi Fu



暖风吹 飘送着 一种花香芬芳的味道
告诉你 这一年 一切都会变得更美好
暖风吹 飘送着 一种真心相惜的味道
告诉你 新一年 风雨过后就是晴朗天

昨天今天明天 依然没有变 只是见面时间少一些
祝福你每一年 都是丰收年 大步大步走向前

手牵着手一辈子要惜福 珍惜你身边的人和物他爱笑

手牵着手一辈子要惜福 生活有你才不会无助老朋友

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Default Diary

My Default Diary helps me with my time management by allocating time for the important "must do" tasks each day.
  • Allocate set times for individual tasks keeps me on target for getting all my important tasks done each day
  • Allows everyone in my business to know what am I doing at set times and when I am available
  • Keeps me focused on what I need to be doing
My default diary helps me keep accountable to what I need to achieve every day and is very easy to create.

To set up your default diary, you first need to decide if you are going to simply set it up in outlook or if you prefer to make it in excel like you time slice and pin it up where it can be viewed easily.

You then simply block out the periods of time that you have decided will be the best for each task. Be sure to include travel time if any appointments you have are out of the office.

Once you have outlined the must do's and allocated specific times to do these tasks in your default time diary, you will find your time management will improve dramatically.

It works for me, why not you give it a try? Click the image below and print out in A4 as a template:

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Time Management Planner


2010 Calendar
One glance 12 months calendar.

Monthly Planner
Write your own date simple Monthly Planner for event or activities highlight and Monthly Goal

Weekly Planner
Organise your Daily appointment in am/pm, analyse your weekly activities by the end of the week and work closely against weekly goal(s).

Contact us for a Complimentary Session on "How to make full use of this planners" today.
